
Pricing Sweet Spot – How to Price Your Products The Right Way

Pricing Sweet Spot – How to Price Your Products The Right Way

Do you remember the story of Goldilocks? Here’s a short refresher if you don’t: Goldilocks was a young woman who once stumbled upon a house of three bears. (Ridiculous, I know!) She was confused. Which of the three things should she pick? She searched until she found...

How to Balance Data And Gut Feeling in Your Marketing

How to Balance Data And Gut Feeling in Your Marketing

Imagine you're sitting in a high-stakes meeting. You’re ready to smash it with your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and data points. Your team has spent days meticulously analysing the numbers. The charts are stacked in your favour. But as the discussion progresses?...

The 7-38-55 Rule – Using Non-Verbal Cues in Your Marketing

The 7-38-55 Rule – Using Non-Verbal Cues in Your Marketing

Did you know that “words” only account for 7% of the overall message you're trying to convey? Yup! Only 7%. The rest? 38% vocal cues i.e. the way those words are said. 55% Non-verbal cues. (Data: Albert Mehrabian’s 7-38-55 rule, 1960s study!) Words are essential,...